• Respiratory system disorders (lung cancer)

    Lung cancer is a dangerous tumor that grows in the lungs.
    The majority of lung cancers derived from cells in the lungs;But lung cancer can also originate from cancer in other parts of the body that spreads to the lungs.Lung cancer is the most common cancer in both men and women.
    Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths.More than 90%
    lung cancer came from the bronchi (large airways into the lungs), the cancer is called bronchogenic carcinoma, which comprises:A. Squamous cell carcinoma2. Small cell carcinoma or squamous cell wheat3. Large cell carcinoma
    4. Alveolar cell carcinoma adenocarcinoma derived from the alveoli in the lungs. This cancer can be a single growth, but often strike more than one area of ​​the lung. Lung tumors are less common are:A. Adenomas (can be malignant or benign)2. Kondromatous hamartoma (benign)3. Sarcoma (malignant) Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymph system, which can be derived from the lungs or the deployment of another organ.
    Many cancers are derived from elsewhere spread to the lungs. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk for lung cancer. Only a small proportion of lung cancers (about 10% -15% in men and 5% in women) caused by or inhaled substances encountered in the workplace. Diseases caused by asbestos include:• Approximately 15% of patients will experience severe shortness of breath and respiratory failure. Bronkitiskronis and heavy smokers with asbestosis, would suffer from coughing and wheezing. Although rare, asbestos can also cause tumors called mesotheliomas in the pleura or the lining of the abdomen, called peritoneal mesotheliomas. Mesotheliomas caused by asbestos are malignant and incurable. Mesotheliomas usually appear after exposure krokidolit, one of four types of asbestos. Amosit, the other type, also causing mesotelioma.Krisotil may not cause mesothelioma, but sometimes tainted by tremolit that can cause mesothelioma. Mesothelioma usually occurs after exposure for 30-40 years. Lung cancer will occur in patients with asbestosis who also smoke, especially those who smoke more than one pack a day. Healing supportive treatment to address the symptoms is to remove mucus / phlegm from the lungs by postural drainage procedures, chest percussion and vibration. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi (airways into the lungs). The disease is usually mild and will eventually recover completely. But in patients who have chronic illnesses (eg heart disease or lung disease) and in the elderly, bronchitis can be serious. Cause of infectious bronchitis caused olehvirus, bacteria and organisms that resemble bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia) recurrent bronchitis attacks can occur in smokers and people with lung disease and chronic respiratory tract.

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