Children whose parents smoke are two-fold risk of developing the disease than children whose parents did not smoke. World Health Organization (WHO) observed, environmental tobacco smoke (environmental tobacco smoke, ETS) has affected nearly half of children around the world.Exposure to environmental tobacco from, for instance from smoking parents, may pose a potential lung cancer. Pregnant women who smoke are also harmful to the fetus in the womb, "said childhood cancer expert Prof Billy Djayadiman Spak.
    Exposure to cigarette also can interfere with organ development anak.Asap cigarette smokers are not only dangerous, but also those around him who are exposed to secondhand smoke. Mainstream smoke is inhaled smoke or fumes of only 4%, while exposed to cigarette smoke does not burn when inhaled (sidestream smoke) 96% of the total amount of the burning cigarette. So, people who do not smoke are also at risk from exposure to tobacco illnesses. In cigarette smoke, there are at least 30 types of pollutants."These pollutants include nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide, and butane that can interfere with normal cells into cancer cells, especially lung cancer," explains Djayadiman.In Indonesia, approximately 76% of smokers start when aged under 25 tahun.Sementara, the data YKI in 2000 mentions a total of 4.2 million people per year die from smoking worldwide. Of these, 2.1 million are resident in countries that spurred berkembang.Kondisi YKI garner a deal with 15 NGOs to campaign for Smoke Free Air for Children Indonesia.
    Children who breathe secondhand smoke containing air will more easily suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis and other lung diseases. Children also become more frequent ear infections, symptoms of early asthma symptoms. For children who have asthma and inhale the smoke-filled air will become more frequent asthma attacks. Estimated 150000-300000 cases of infection occur per year, such as bronchitis and pneumonia among infants and children under 18 months. In Canada, about 400,000 children disease caused by secondhand smoke, including: ear infections (7%), lung infection (16%, mostly toddlers).Why did it happen? The reason is as follows:• the lungs of children are smaller than adults; their immune systems have not been awakened perfect, as a result they are more susceptible to inflammation of the respiratory and ear infections.• small children breathe faster than adults; result they inhale more harmful chemicals per their body weight than adults at the same time.• children have little choice than ornag adults, they are not able to comment or criticize the adults who become smokers.

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