• how treatment of lung cancer

     performed surgery on cancer other than small cell carcinoma that has not spread.Approximately 10-35% of cancers can be removed surgically, but surgery does not always bring healing. 
    Before surgery, performed lung function tests to determine whether the remaining lung can still perform its functions properly or not. 
    Surgery is not necessary if: 
    - The cancer has spread beyond the lung 
    - The cancer is too close to the trachea 
    - Patients have serus circumstances (such as heart disease or lung disease are heavy). 
    Radiation therapy performed in patients who can not undergo surgery because they have other serious illnesses. But radiation therapy can cause lung inflammation (pneumonitis due to radiation), with symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath and fever. These cancers are treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy is sometimes disetai. 
    Patients with lung cancer who experienced a lot of lung function decline. The following chemotherapy drugs that can be used for lung cancer: 
    The combination of action may ultimately inhibit cancer cell growth. 
    Topotecan inhibits topoisomerase I and thereby inhibit DNA replication. Senyaawa can interact with other anticancer drugs and causing prolonged neutropenia and thrombocytopenia in addition to increased mortality. 

    The mechanism of action of paclitaxel is a tubulin polymerization and stabilization mikrotubukus. These compounds can interact with csiplatin with further increase myelosuppression. 
    The mechanism of action of cisplatin and carboplatin are causing crosslinking within and between strands of DNA. Carboplatin may interact with aminoglycosides and other nephrotoxic drugs with increased nephrotoxicity and ototoksisitas. 

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