It turned out that lung cancer is not just caused by cigarette smoke or asbestos material that is inhaled by kita.pada TB patients are also at high risk of lung cancer.
    TB is a highly contagious disease. This disease can affect anyone regardless of gender, and social status. And most of that attack are the ones who are still in the productive age is about 15 to 55 yearsTB patient prone to lung cancer, the importance of attention to lung cancer prevention of the disease due to tuberculosis, supporting the link between TB with lung cancer.Pulmonary tuberculosis is a lung inflammation due to infection of tuberculosis germs. This disease can be contagious, but can be treated until cured.Lung cancer is the growth of malignant tissue in the lungs. The disease is not contagious and difficult to cure.Tuberculosis is the most common chronic diseases in the world. usually the most affected are the pulmonary area, but TB germs can be about the organs of the body. Actually, what the cause of tuberculosis disease is, and what to do with lung cancer. And how in order to avoid the risk of lung cancer
    Causes of TuberculosisTB disease caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis, the bacteria in the body tissues can be Dormant which means these germs can fall asleep for several tahun.Bakteri this long rod-shaped and is resistant to acid, also known as Batang Resistant Acid (BTA). TB germs die quickly in direct sunlight, but can survive a few hours a dark and humid place.transmission of TB diseaseAt the time of coughs or sneezes, people spread germs into the air in the form of droplets (splashes Dahak). Droplets containing the bacteria can survive in air at room temperature for several hours. People can become infected if the droplets are inhaled into the respiratory tract.When TB germs managed to infect the lungs, it soon will grow colonies of bacteria that form globular (rounded). Usually through a series of immunological reactions TB bacteria will endeavor inhibited through the formation of wall around the bacteria by lung cells. The mechanism of formation of the wall was made of the surrounding tissue into scar tissue and will become dormant TB bacteriaSymptoms - symptoms of TB ADA 2 isCommon symptoms:• Fever is not too high that lasts longer, usually felt at night with night sweats. Sometimes an attack of influenza-like fever and intermittent nature.• Decreased appetite and weight• The feeling of not feeling (malaise), weakness• Cough and phlegm continuously for 3 (three) weeks or more.Specific symptoms:• Depending on which organs are affected, in case of partial bronchial obstruction (the channel leading to the lungs) due to pressure of enlarged lymph nodes, will lead to sound "wheezing" sound accompanied by shortness of breath weakened.• If there dirongga pleural fluid (lung packing), may be accompanied by complaints of chest pain.• If the bone, there will be symptoms such as bone infection at some point can form channels and lead to the overlying skin, in this estuary will discharge pus.• In children can affect the brain (wrapping a layer of the brain) and is referred to as meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain), the symptoms are high fever, a decrease in consciousness and seizures.Symptoms of TBIf someone is suspected of contracting tuberculosis, then a few things that need to be done to establish the diagnosis are:• Physical examination.• Laboratory tests (blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid).• Examination of anatomic pathology (PA).• X-ray chest (thorax photo).• tuberculin test.• Anamnesa both to patients and their families.TB TREATMENT WITH THERAPYThere are two ways of being made to reduce the current TB patient, the therapy and immunization. For therapy, the WHO recommended TB treatment strategy with short-term direct supervision or known as DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse chemotherapy). In this strategy there are three important stages, namely detecting patients, conduct treatment, and conduct direct supervision. Because the source of the spread of TB is a TB patient itself, effective control of TB patients is reduced tuberculosis.

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